What the FUCK is CharmHub?

Who is the sick monster that would create something like THIS?

WHY does CharmHub even exist?

All that and more answered on this very page!

If you're curious about the sick monst- I mean- author, check out my 'about' page! Otherwise, read onward...

This is not really all that interesting, but it's my website, okay? I can make a stupid page like this if I want to. Mostly, I just feel that something like this is embarrassing and I should explain myself. And clarify that I know it's weird, stupid, embarrassing, ridiculous, pointless, incorrect, OOC (out of character), lacking media literacy, a waste of time, not worthwhi... uh, I'm getting a little carried away. Hehe.

So, this is CharmHub! It exists so that I can organize my thoughts and keep a record of all of the relevant panels and ideas to my...um, DC comics ship. It is also a way for me to pick up HTML and website design again! I remember basically none of it so it's like I'm starting from scratch. It's fun! So, the website has a two-fold purpose.